Unique Baby Shower Games To Keep The Party Alive

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Unique Baby Shower Games To Keep The Party Alive
Baby showers are an exciting and fun way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new baby. The best baby showers have fun games, food, prizes, a time for gift giving, and eye-catching decorations. And when everything is put together well, you get a baby shower that ends with a lot of laughter and joy.
One of the toughest decisions you have to make when you are hosting a baby shower is what games to play. These games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. But an over-played or cringe-worthy baby shower game can suck the life right out of the party.
That’s why BabyBety decided to help you out! Here is a list of unique baby shower games that are sure to get the party started and keep it rolling!
1. What’s in the Diaper Bag Baby Shower Game
In the What’s in the Diaper Bag baby shower game you fill a diaper bag with some essential items every parent should have in their diaper bag. Add a bottle, bib, diaper cream, wipes, changing pad, etc. Then have everyone take turns feeling around in the bag (no peeking!) and guess as many items as they can. Then after everyone has had a turn, compare notes and see who has the most correct guesses. If you want to make it harder you can put a few items in there that may not be considered essential but is good for every parent to have on hand.
Why we love the Diaper Bag Baby Shower Game:
We love the diaper bag baby shower game because you can make it as easy or as difficult as you would like. Most people know the shape of a bottle or a package of wipes. However, you can ramp up the intensity with those harder to guess items and see the competitors come out!
2. The Price is Right Baby Shower Game
The Price is Right is not just a show we all watched when we were forced to stay home from school because we were sick. It also makes for a fun baby shower game. In this game you come up with a set list of items. When guests arrive (or at a set time), guests go through the items and try to guess the cost for each items. The person who gets closest to the actual cost of the item wins. Tally up all the individual items each person has won and the person with the most correct individual guesses wins the game.
Why we love the Price is Right Baby Shower Game:
We love this unique baby shower game because there’s a lot of versatility with the Price is Right baby shower game. The host is not tied to any specific items so they can raise or lower the difficulty level by the items they pick. Also, the host can either purchase one of each item on their list or they can simply hand out a decorated paper/card with an itemized list. Another great aspect of the Price is Right baby shower game is that if you choose to buy each item and have it displayed for people to look at while making their guesses, when the shower is done, mommy to be gets to leave with all the baby necessities.
3. Guess That Book Baby Shower Game
This unique baby shower game is perfect for the mommy-to-be that hates traditional baby shower games. In the Guess the Book baby shower game, guests bring a book that they love and choose wrapping paper that give clues as to what book is wrapped inside. Then the mommy of honor guesses what book is inside before unwrapping.
Why We love the Guess the Book baby shower game:
We love this unique baby shower game because it is completely different than many of the traditional baby shower games. It’s a sweet alternative to putting your face in a diaper with a melted snickers bar. And when it’s all said and done, the baby receives a bunch of really great books to grow with.
4. Blindfolded Diaper Change Baby Shower Game
While this baby shower game might be gaining in popularity, it is still considered a unique baby shower game. In the Blindfolded Diaper Change baby shower game guests take turns trying to change the diaper on a baby doll.
Why we love the Blindfolded Diaper Change baby shower game:
We love this unique baby shower game because you can have multiple contests all in the same game. You can pick winners based on time spent changing the diaper, how well the new diaper fits, and how horrible the new diaper is placed, etc.
5. Paint by Numbers Baby Shower Game
This alternative baby shower game is another great option for people who just aren’t into many baby shower games. Simply find a great paint by numbers template, gather some paint and brushes, and let you guests go to town.
Why we love the Paint by Numbers baby shower game:
We love this alternative baby shower game because it allows your guests a time of relaxation and the laughs and conversation that come from guests who are participating are priceless. You can use this time to have each guest give the expecting mommy a piece of advice that they find valuable.
6. Baby Animals Matching Baby Shower Game
Who doesn’t love a baby elephant, horse, or tiger? Even though we know they are adorable, you might be surprised to learn that their baby names aren’t what you thought they were. In the Baby Animals Matching baby shower game you list out a bunch of animals and have your guests guess what the correct term for each species baby. The person with the most correct guesses wins.
Why we love the Baby Animals Matching baby shower game:
This unique baby shower game is perfect for hosts that are using an animal theme for the baby shower or for the parents who are using an animal theme for their nursery. It’s also fun to see just how wrong we’ve been our entire life calling baby horses ponies.
7. My Water Broke Baby Shower Game
In this clever baby shower game, hosts take tiny baby figurines and freeze them the night before in ice cubes. As users get drinks when they first arrive they use a baby ice cube and begin hoping it doesn’t melt. When the baby figurines break free from their ice cubes, guests begin announcing “My water broke!” The last guest with its baby in the ice cube wins.
Why we love the My Water Broke baby shower game:
We love this uncommon baby shower game because it is a game that can be played during the shower. There’s no set time to start and stop. Simply drop the ice cube in your drink and go about the baby shower.
8. Tinkle in the Potty Baby Shower Game
Tinkle in the Potty is an uncommon baby shower game that is sure to get some belly laughs! In the Tinkle in the Potty baby shower game, guests put an inflated balloon under a shirt and then put a much smaller ping pong ball between their knees. Then they have to waddle from one side of the room to the other side where a bucket, pot, or jar is waiting for them to drop the ping pong ball into. If you have ever tried to quickly get to the bathroom in the middle of the night while pregnant, you know it’s no easy task!
Why we love the Tinkle in the Potty Baby Shower Game:
First and foremost, we love this uncommon baby shower game because it’s sure to get some great belly laughs! But we also love the Tinkle in the Potty baby shower game because there is so many variables that you can add to it to make it more fun. If you are with a group of competitive guests you can create two teams and have a relay race, if your guests are super coordinated then you can place obstacles that they have to get around (like that pesky house slipper that never got put away properly), or you can shorten the distance and remove any obstacles to make it easier.
9. Who’s Watching Baby? Baby Shower Game
While there may be many alternatives to the Who’s Watching Baby baby shower game, this time you want to use actual baby dolls. Assign each guest a baby doll when they arrive. Then as they go through out the shower, they will inevitably sit their dolls down to grab a drink or snack, use the restroom, etc. That’s when you swoop in and snatch the baby. The person who has the most baby dolls at the end of the shower wins.
Why we love the Who’s Watching the Baby baby shower game:
We love this alternative to the clothes pin game because it is another baby shower game that can last the entire shower. Competitive guests get into collecting as many baby dolls as possible while the less competitive guests don’t have to participate in a game for too long.
10. Celebrity Baby Names Baby Shower Game
Celebrities have some of the most creative *cough, cough* baby names. In the Celebrity Baby Names game, the host finds some of the most unique names that celebrities have named their children (we’re looking at you, Kim and Kanye) and guests have to choose which celebrity couple named their baby that unique name.
Why we love the Celebrity Baby Names baby shower game:
We love this unique baby shower game because it’s the perfect game for groups that love pop culture. And besides, who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh at some of the creative names celebrities give their little bundles of joy?!
11. Baby Face Baby Shower Game
Humans have been obsessed with the thought of what their future babies will look like. We even have computer programs that guess which features will come from mom and which will come from dad. in this rare baby shower game, users can either draw what they think the baby will look like or use cut out images from magazines and glue them on a blank face.
Why we love the Baby Face baby shower game:
It’s a fun way to get creative and also daydream about what that beautiful baby will look like. For the less-artistic guests, using the magazine cut out option always leads to some very funny renditions.
12. Baby Love Baby Shower Game
The Baby Love baby shower game is the perfect game for those music loving mommies! In this unique baby shower game you instruct the guests to jot down as many songs with the word baby in the title or lyrics. Once the time runs out, you start announcing guesses. The person with the most original guesses that nobody else has is the winner.
Why we love the Baby Love baby shower game:
Who doesn’t love hearing sweet old grandma shout out “Baby Got Back!” The opportunities for some uncontrollable laughter are endless. It is also the perfect game for musically inclined parents and the perfect game for a music themed baby shower.
13. Baby Names by the Decade Baby Shower Game
In this fun alternative baby shower game, the host goes to the Social Security Administration website and gather’s a list of most popular names for each decade. Then guests try and guess which names were most popular in each decade or what decade the name belongs to.
Why we love the Baby Names by the Decade baby shower game:
We love the Baby Names by the Decade baby shower game because it is fun to see just which names were popular in the past, it allows older guests to participate in a game that doesn’t require much physical activity, and a lot of times you hear some incredible stories from guests who have been alive a while as they recollect on the names of the past.
14. Disney Baby-Parent Match Baby Shower Game
Disney is a multi-billion dollar industry that is beloved by many! In this fun alternative baby shower game users give their best guesses as to who the parents are for each beloved disney baby. You may know that Marlon is Nemo’s dad but did you know who dumbo’s mom is?
Why we love the Disney Baby-Parent Match baby shower game:
Disney is so popular that most of your guests grew up watching all the movies. This rare baby shower game lets you tie back into that love for Disney and have fun while doing it.
15. BabyBety Due Date Guessing Game
We would be remised if we didn’t include the BabyBety Due Date Guessing Game. In our baby due date guessing game, also known as an online baby pool, guests take their best shot on guessing exactly when the baby will be born. Set up your online baby prediction game then let all your guests know as they walk in to go to babybety.com, find your virtual baby pool and place their baby due date bets. It doesn’t matter if you are having a traditional baby shower for women only or a coed baby shower, a baby pool you can place money on is a good way to get Dad and his friends in on the fun too! You can thank us later for changing a traditional baby shower game into an interactive modern game that also makes you money.
Why we love the BabyBety Due Date Guessing Game:
We love our baby due date guessing game because it gets more people involved. We’ve found that dad’s love it because it is similar to March Madness and Fantasy Football. They get to place bets and have some fun competition while waiting for the baby to be born. We also love it because it is a great way to help with purchasing those big-ticket registry items, start a college fund, or just help the expecting parents financially.
While it may seem like every baby shower has the same games being played every single time, we believe baby showers don’t have to be redundant. So take some chances! Ditch those dreaded and played out games. It’s time to bring the party back to baby showers!
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