Tips To Help With New Baby Costs

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Newborn Costs
Having a baby is expensive, especially in places where public care is not free. Beside expensive doctor bills new parents are put in the pressure cooker to get the newest, coolest gadgets & gear for their little miracle which leaves us feeling overwhelmed and broke. Simply put, sometimes having a newborn costs a lot of money.
Here are a few tips to keep the expenses down when your bringing a baby into the world.
- Instead of buying the most expensive cribs and nursery essentials on all the top baby blogs talk to friends and family and see if you can buy a used one for cheap or even get it for free as a hand me down. Trust me a little paint could do wonders to an old crib or changing table to make it perfect for your nursery. I found my changing table on Craigslist, painted it white and got some super cute new knobs and it was a whole new piece!
- Don’t buy baby clothes until you have to. Most of your shower gifts are going to be baby clothes. People can’t help but buy those cute little outfits. This is a great way to help with your newborn costs. Save your money and use what you get at the baby shower until you need to get clothes. Opt for packs of onesies for the first few months because they won’t be doing much and you won’t be going to many places where they need to look cute. Then when it is time to buy clothes shoot for thrift stores first. There will be a lot of slightly used to brand new baby clothes because babies grow so fast that sometimes they aren’t able to wear everything in their closets. You can always ask relatives or friends as well. My sister sent me a few bins of clothes from her little girls to give to mine which helped a lot. Don’t be afraid of hand me downs. Babies are messy and ruin clothes very quickly.
- Diaper rash can be a big deal and happen often to a lot of new babies. Those fancy creams tend to be very over priced and sometimes not that great for sensitive baby skin. If you little one suffers from diaper rash Vaseline is a great way to help cure it and 1/3 of the cost. Make sure to talk to your doctor as well when it comes to rashes of any sort on baby.
- If you are formula feeding you don’t need an expensive sterilizer. Sterilizing bottles is for breast fed babies because of the bacteria that can be found in moms milk. However on the opposite side of the coin, if you are breast feeding you don’t need to buy very many bottles because more often than not your little one will be on your breast instead of with a bottle.
- Don’t buy a ton of brand new toys. You will learn quickly that baby is often more excited about the box, similar to cats! Also babies tend to get bored quickly so think of how to make toys for the cheap. My daughters favorite toy is a water bottle filled with dry pasta. Pinterest is the best way to find DIY baby toys!
These are just a few ways to save a little extra cash when you are expecting a new one or have a new one. There are many more tricks and tips to come so stay tuned!
How A BabyBety Online Baby Pool Can Help
Another great way to help with your newborn costs is to set up an online baby pool here with BabyBety. You and your guests will get to guess the vital details for you new baby and the winner gets a prize while you raise some funds for your new bundle of joy.
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