Signs That It Is Time To Fire Your OB

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Your OB has a very influential role in your life during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Having the wrong person at your birth can literally make or break your vagina! Unfortunately, sometimes the doctor or midwife you choose turns out not to be as great as you thought and that is okay. It is crucial that you feel safe, supported, and valued. Every woman, partner, and baby deserve that. You are worth it Mama.
Here are a few signs that you might need to find a new provider.
Gut Feeling
A mother knows best. If something happened at an appointment that didn’t sit well with you, listen to your gut. Talk with your partner, friends, parents – and see what they have to say. Sometimes it helps to talk out your feelings to see if they are valid or not. You don’t need to make any rash decisions but if you feel like something isn’t working for you don’t disregard it.
Rushed Prenatal Visits
If you feel as though your appointments are being rushed or you have severely limited time it might be time to reconsider. After all these are the people that will be at your birth. Prenatal appointments should be a time to develop a relationship with care providers, get questions answered, learn new things and of course monitor the health of you and the baby. If you feel like you are just a number or that your doctor is just checking off the boxes at your appointments it may be time.
Dismisses Or Belittles You
Being talked down to is never fun, but when it is from someone you are looking to for information it can be very discouraging. For some of you, you may be a first time mother trying to figure this whole thing out. You need someone who will answer your questions in a way that doesn’t make you feel dumb, unprepared, or an unfit mother. Your hormones do enough of that anyway.
Unsupportive Of Birth Choices
If you feel as though you are not being supported in YOUR choices it may be time to find a new doctor. This is your baby and your body. How this birthing experience is planned is up to you. We all know that complications can happen and that birth plans can change very fast but when your doctor is not supportive in your plan A, it’s time to move along. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however this kind of decision is very personal and only you and your partner can decide what is ultimately the best decision for you.
You will know if you need to switch providers. Going to your appointments should be exciting and relieving, not stressful and rushed. Follow your gut Mama! You will know what to do. Xoxo
Tags: Changing OBs, comfortable pregnancy, I hate my OB, pregnancy, pregnant thoughts