Kim & Tyler Laing

Parents: Kim & Tyler Laing
Location: Victoria, BC

You asked for it, so here it is — the Baby Laing betting pool!

You know we’re a gambling family and even though the two words “betting” and ”baby” should never go together, this baby is destined to get started early, so here is a chance for one lucky winner to make a little cash before we welcome the little one into this world.

There will be one winner only — 50% to the winner and 50% to Baby Laing’s piggy bank.

Every question following gender is a tie breaker (i.e. due date, time, weight, then length) to determine the one winner.

Each bet is $5 USD (paid directly through the site) and you can make as many $5 bets as you want. Add one $5 guess to stroller and you’ll have the option to make another $5 guess. Don’t change donation amount.

Thank you for supporting Baby Laing and Good luck!

Doctor's Due Date: 06/11/2019
Currently Donated: $320

Baby's Name: Riley Nora Laing

Baby's Gender: female
Baby's Birth Date: 06/05/2019
Baby's Birth Time: 04:55 PM
Baby's Birth Weight: 7 lb, 2 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 19 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Jessica Baulne
Gender: female
Date: 06/04/2019
Time: 10:07 AM
Weight: 7 lb, 7 oz
Length: 19

2nd Place Winner

Name: Mike Craigen
Gender: female
Date: 06/06/2019
Time: 10:35 PM
Weight: 7 lb, 12 oz
Length: 19

3rd Place Winner

Name: Cat Wilson
Gender: female
Date: 06/08/2019
Time: 4:00 AM
Weight: 8 lb, 2 oz
Length: 16