Kelsey & Brandon Quester

Parents: Kelsey & Brandon Quester
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

We thought it would be fun to start a baby due date pool. Will Baby Q be early? Will he or she be late? Or will he or she come right on time? Due Date is November 9, 2021.

1. You are allowed multiple entries!
2. Because the baby’s gender is a secret (yes, even to the parents), gender will be the first eliminating factor if more than one person chooses the correct due date.
3. The person who guesses closest to, or on the baby’s birth date, is the winner.
4. In the event of a tie, the person closest to the birth time will be crowned the winner.
5. If there is still a tie, the person who guessed closest to the baby’s birth weight (pounds and ounces) will be crowned.
6. If for some divine reason there is still a tie, the one closest to the baby’s birth length will be announced as the winner.
7. Of the final pool, 25% goes to the winner, the other 75% goes to Baby Q’s college fund.
8. If your date and time passes without the arrival of Baby Q, please feel free to try again.

Doctor's Due Date: 11/09/2021
Currently Donated: $130

Baby's Name: Ellie Sage Quester

Baby's Gender: female
Baby's Birth Date: 11/06/2021
Baby's Birth Time: 12:22 AM
Baby's Birth Weight: 7 lb, 12 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 20 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Becky Larsen
Gender: female
Date: 11/05/2021
Time: 7:05 AM
Weight: 7 lb, 2 oz
Length: 19

2nd Place Winner

Name: Dori Mitchell
Gender: female
Date: 11/08/2021
Time: 9:30 PM
Weight: 7 lb, 9 oz
Length: 19

3rd Place Winner

Name: Karen Yakovich
Gender: female
Date: 11/09/2021
Time: 2:26 PM
Weight: 6 lb, 13 oz
Length: 19