Jessica & Nate Stauffer

Parents: Jessica & Nate Stauffer
Location: Lacombe

As our due date draws closer many of you have been sharing guesses as to when our little man will be welcomed into the world. We thought it would be fun to run a baby pool.

$5 entry into 50/50.

After processing fees for the site, 50% will be going to the winner of the pool with the other 50% going into an RESP for Felix. Please note that this is a US site so funds are in US dollars (sorry we couldn’t find a similar Canadian site).

To make this fair for everyone here is some information about our little dude:
He has already tried to come early and at 32 weeks he was already over 4 lbs.

It's a Boy!
Doctor's Due Date: 10/15/2019
Currently Donated: $0
Pool has ended. Results are being calculated.
Average Due Date: 01/01/1970
Average Due Time: 12:00 AM
Average Length: 0
Average Weight: 0 lbs, 0 oz