Janelle Rémillard et Dominic Lambert

Parents: Janelle Rémillard et Dominic Lambert
Location: Winnipeg

50% au gagnant, 50% aux parents
50% to the winner, 50% to the parents

Tout montant est en USD
All amounts are in USD

Doctor's Due Date: 09/17/2020
Currently Donated: $110

Baby's Name: Léa Lambert-Rémillard

Baby's Gender: female
Baby's Birth Date: 09/22/2020
Baby's Birth Time: 10:30 AM
Baby's Birth Weight: 7 lb, 5 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 22 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Jonathan Boisvert
Gender: female
Date: 09/22/2020
Time: 4:20 PM
Weight: 7 lb, 11 oz
Length: 9

2nd Place Winner

Name: Madeleine Mulaire
Gender: female
Date: 09/21/2020
Time: 7:30 AM
Weight: 8 lb, 0 oz
Length: 20

3rd Place Winner

Name: Denis Remillard
Gender: female
Date: 09/19/2020
Time: 5:30 AM
Weight: 6 lb, 3 oz
Length: 19