Baby Grace

Parents: Michael and Brooke Lapham
Location: Berthoud, Colorado

Thank you for being part of the pool! Get your guesses in soon because Grace has been a very active little girl already!

Some tips:
Grace is not the first baby born.
Grace’s older sister came two weeks early.
Grace has been measuring big and mom has been feeling a ton of Braxton Hicks already!
Mom’s birthday is October 24th (and mom is not interested in sharing her day).

The winner will receive 60% and the remaining 40% will be going towards Grace’s diaper fund.

It's a Girl!
Doctor's Due Date: 11/02/2022
Currently Donated: $120

Baby's Name: Grace Helen Lapham

Baby's Birth Date: 11/02/2022
Baby's Birth Time: 09:42 PM
Baby's Birth Weight: 7 lb, 11 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 22 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Larissa Gray
Date: 10/31/2022
Time: 3:33 PM
Weight: 7 lb, 2 oz
Length: 18

2nd Place Winner

Name: Jennifer Wickey
Date: 10/31/2022
Time: 2:29 AM
Weight: 7 lb, 2 oz
Length: 19

3rd Place Winner

Name: John Strobel
Date: 11/04/2022
Time: 4:10 AM
Weight: 8 lb, 0 oz
Length: 19