Leaving Baby For The First Time

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Going Out Without Your Baby For The First Time
Leaving your baby for the first time is going to be one of the hardest things you are going to do as a mother. However it will be worth it, I promise. As parents we need to remember who we were, are and want to be. Your child is your world no doubt but don’t lose your sense of self. Your children will see right through it.
Once you decide to take the leap and leave your little one here are a few things that I found to help keep my mind at ease while I was away.
- Make a baby book: I left a binder for my in-laws on feeding, bath time, sleeping, walks, play time, favorite songs, etc. It helps let them know what the everyday looks like in your home and what baby likes. Plus if they forget everything that you tell them before you leave they have a reference and don’t need to bother or worry you with questions.
- Make sure the doctor has written consent from you that your in-laws, parents or babysitters can bring baby in if anything is wrong. If you are gone more than a day this is a MUST. You never know when baby might have a fever or not feel well. Its very important to give your caregiver consent to take baby into your doctor. This way you know he/she is with someone that you trust and know will give great care.
- Make sure whoever is watching baby knows how to facetime and sends updates. It sounds crazy but getting one daily update each night helped put me at ease while on was on my trip and seeing her smiling face reassured me that she was okay. However don’t go over board with this. Remember you are taking some time away to reconnect with yourself, your friends or your partner so stay strong and fight that urge to facetime every hour!
All you can do is prepare your babysitters the best you can and stay positive about the whole experience. Sometimes we need a night or two away from the little ones to remember who we are. This in turn will keep a smile on your face, which will keep a smile on theirs. Remember it doesn’t mean you are a bad mom because you need a night or few nights away from your children. Its totally normal. Sometimes we all need a break to have a little adult fun!
If you or your friends are getting ready to leave baby for the first time please share these helpful tips!
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Tags: baby separation anxiety, leaving baby for the first time