How BabyBety Can Help Increase Your Charity Efforts

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I signed up for BabyBety because I’m 35 weeks pregnant and my baby doesn’t need a thing. We are swimming in hand-me-downs from our other two children, our refrigerator is stocked, and we are beyond blessed by our generous family and friends to care for any last minute needs that may arise.
So why did I sign up for BabyBety, a known baby shower donation site? I signed up because while my child doesn’t need anything, thousands of other children do.
Instead of using BabyBety to purchase baby items for my soon-to-be-born son, I’m using it to drive donations for an incredible non-profit child sponsorship organization called Mission Life, Inc. located in Derry, New Hampshire, Mission Life was founded in 2018 and has established partnerships in Rwanda, Colombia, and Guatemala where children often do not have a meal to eat every day, do not have school supplies, do not have a warm bed to sleep in, or have never experienced the love and kindness of people who care about them.
Mission Life changes that. It is an organization made up of volunteers who want to give these children better opportunities in life. At Mission Life, we believe that the world is changed one person at a time. Kindness and love can inspire change that has a positive ripple effect on the world around us. Imagine a world in which our children are raised from a very young age to love everyone. EVERY ONE. Not just the other kids that look like them. Not just the kids in their immediate circle of friends. Not just the kids they see around them, but children on the other side of the world. They matter too. We all do. We are all God’s children.
If my BabyBety site inspires even one person to sponsor a child or give to Mission Life, my son will have already started changing the world before he’s even born! In a world where it is way too easy to ignore the needs of those around us, let’s always remember that if an unborn baby can inspire change, so can we! Opportunities exist all around us. We need only start with ourselves.
Mission Life connects sponsors with their sponsored children through video. This allows the children here on our side of the globe to connect and show love to someone in a completely different culture while providing the sponsored child with frequent contact, love, and support from families who genuinely care about him/her.
In our home, we sponsor Sammi. She’s a seven year old little girl from Colombia who we have been sponsoring for two years. Our children, Norah (4) and Piper (3) have grown to love Sammi. They pray for her every night, they draw pictures for her, send her gifts that they pick out themselves, and make videos for her about their day-to-day lives. They love sharing life with her and we hope to visit her in person one day when our children are old enough to truly appreciate and understand the impact of such a trip.
So instead of asking for more burp cloths, bottles and baby rattles that I don’t really need, I’m instead asking my friends and family to donate to my BabyBety site to support kiddos in impoverished countries who don’t have even the most basic necessities in life.
My husband and I will be donating all of the proceeds from our BabyBety site to Mission Life. Change one child and change the world!
Thank you BabyBety for the opportunity to give back to others in need. Together, we are change makers!
If this post inspired you to learn more about Mission Life, check out their Facebook page and website!
You can check out Jamie’s BabyBety pool here!