Brie & Beau Wilder

Parents: Brie & Beau Wilder
Location: Tucson, AZ

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a brand new princess was on the way! We thought it would be fun to play a guessing game where friends and family can share their hunches about the arrival of Lauren Bailey James Wilder (aka Libby).

It's a Girl!
Doctor's Due Date: 09/14/2018
Currently Donated: $91

Baby's Name: Lauren Bailey James Wilder

Baby's Birth Date: 09/12/2018
Baby's Birth Time: 07:47 AM
Baby's Birth Weight: 7 lb, 7 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 19 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Ashley Cook
Date: 09/12/2018
Time: 5:23 AM
Weight: 6 lb, 0 oz
Length: 21

2nd Place Winner

Name: Anna Cook
Date: 09/13/2018
Time: 4:22 AM
Weight: 6 lb, 3 oz
Length: 21

3rd Place Winner

Name: James Weinstein
Date: 09/15/2018
Time: 11:11 PM
Weight: 8 lb, 11 oz
Length: 21