Last Month To-Do List

Last Month Of Pregnancy To-Do List

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Last Month Of Pregnancy To-Do List

Your last month of pregnancy will have you feeling overwhelmed and quite possibly like your hair is on fire! Everyone will be telling you how to stock the nursery, what to pack to the hospital, and how you need to be basically sleeping 25/8. No one will tell you the real scoop on how to prepare for the next few months after baby. Don’t stress though, We got you!

Your hormones have probably brought along some nesting instincts but along with all that good stuff, pregnancy brain is a real thing and can make you feel like you are running around with your head cut off. Here is my list of 14 things to help you feel like you have it somewhat together when baby comes!

  1. Treat yourself
  2. You deserve some pampering whether it be a mani/pedi, facial or even a blow out. Take some time aside and spend it on you. Once baby is here it becomes a little harder to find “me time”.

  3. Take a YOU day
  4. Working still or not take a you day. Enjoy being alone and taking your own sweet time to do whatever the hell you want.

  5. Take naps, sleep all day, sleep in, because you still can
  6. Take GREAT advantage of the sleeping schedule (that you still have)!

  7. Upgrade Phone Storage
  8. You will hit your storage max quickly within the first few weeks of having the baby home. To avoid feeling guilty of needing to delete pictures of your new babe just sitting there to clear up storage for the next 75 pictures of the first stroller walk, just upgrade your storage plan beforehand (then you can hoard all of the videos).

  9. Find a Newborn Photographer
  10. Research a newborn photographer, ask friends and family for recommendations and make sure they fit the style you want. Doing this before baby is here will make life ten times easier than trying to find one in your sleep deprived state. Also check with the hospital to see if they have a photographer on duty. Some places will have one that will come and see if you want pictures of you and your new little.

  11. SOS Caregiver List
  12. Make a list of caregivers you trust and feel comfortable with (let them know they made the cut) just in case you need some emergency coverage in those first few weeks.

  13. Download A Sound Machine App
  14. Ocean, rainforest, or even a fan, will work. Amazon also has a great one that can stay in the littles room if you are worried your phone might go off or die.

  15. Wash Some Of Baby’s Clothes
  16. There is no way to know what will fit so just wash a few and leave the tags on the rest. 

  17. Research Mommy & Me Classes
  18. Even if you don’t think it’s for you, being in a room with other moms can be comforting – we are all going through this crazy journey together. However, don’t feel like this is a must. Some people prefer blind bliss when going into this life changing event.

  19. Stock Up On The Essentials
  20. Go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of non perishable items like granola bars, crackers, really anything you can eat one handed. In the first few weeks quick and easy meals will be where its at. Don’t forget coffee and wine (you’ll thank me later). It never hurts to ask family if they could cook a few meals for you during those first few weeks as well. That way neither you or your partner have to figure out what or how to cook in your sleepy state.

  21. Unpack/Set Up All You Can
  22. Trying to unbox diapers or new bottles is hard enough with both of your hands free, the last thing you want to be doing is unboxing while holding a crying newborn.

  23. Make New Playlists
  24. Mellow, soothing songs that will keep you and baby relaxed is just as important as your favorites that you can jam out to.

  25. Go On A Date, or 8!
  26. Spend some quality time with your partner! It’s hard to say when you will feel comfortable to head out solo with your significant other again so take full advantage of the time you do have!

  27. Pack A Instagram Worthy “Going Home” Outfit For Baby
  28. While in the hospital the majority of the time the baby will be swaddled up in blankets so make sure they can be sporting a cute outfit for going home.

Life tends to get crazy once that little arrives so if this is your first time then one piece of advice that saved our household was asking for help. There will be tons of people that want to see that little one. They will want to come and play, hold and cuddle. However being a new mom you want that time to bond with baby. So let them know if they want to see baby they have to help. Bring a meal, do some laundry, watch baby while you sleep for an hour. We made a list and had it on the fridge of what we needed help with. People are more than willing to help you out during this time they just need to know what they can do!

For more pregnancy advice and parenting tips check out our blog!

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Written by Whitney Rowley