Laura & Trevor Graf

Parents: Laura & Trevor Graf
Location: Whitefish, MT

Here’s how the betting works! Pick a “donation” amount of your choice, and payout will be based on the winner’s donated amount! Minimum payout is 25% of the pot, maximum is 75% (Ethan skims 25% off the top). The winner is calculated by who guessed closest to the date of birth. Tiebreakers begin with the day, time, weight, then length. Let the betting begin!

It's a Boy!
Doctor's Due Date: 04/19/2018
Currently Donated: $185

Baby's Name: Ethan Robert Graf

Baby's Birth Date: 04/25/2018
Baby's Birth Time: 04:32 AM
Baby's Birth Weight: 9 lb, 4 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 21 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Rachel Goshorn
Date: 04/25/2018
Time: 7:23 AM
Weight: 7 lb, 10 oz
Length: 19

2nd Place Winner

Name: Dan Burgi
Date: 04/25/2018
Time: 7:49 AM
Weight: 7 lb, 13 oz
Length: 21

3rd Place Winner

Name: Leah Johnson
Date: 04/24/2018
Time: 5:34 AM
Weight: 8 lb, 4 oz
Length: 19