Bryanne & David

Parents: Bryanne & David
Location: Castlegar, BC

Key thing to know, we are suggesting to do $5 per guess. However, you can donate what you like per guess.

This is being run like a 50/50. Half the proceeds will be going to take care of the little guy and The other half will go to the winner!

Simple as that! The winner will be contacted privately.

We were both 7lbs 2 oz. at birth. Bryanne was on time. David was 11 days late.

Status Updates:

February 7, 2021

Yesterday (Sat. Feb. 6, 2021), Bryanne started the process of being induced under the recommendation of her doctor. So far no activity. This little guy is being stubborn!

January 24, 2021

About week to go!

It's a Boy!
Doctor's Due Date: 01/30/2021
Currently Donated: $335

Baby's Name: Daniel

Baby's Birth Date: 02/08/2021
Baby's Birth Time: 01:34 PM
Baby's Birth Weight: 8 lb, 2 oz
Baby's Birth Length: 21 inches

We have a winner!

1st Place Winner

Name: Lisa Smit
Date: 02/09/2021
Time: 7:05 AM
Weight: 9 lb, 0 oz
Length: 21

2nd Place Winner

Name: Shannon Price
Date: 02/09/2021
Time: 5:57 AM
Weight: 7 lb, 14 oz
Length: 22

3rd Place Winner

Name: Allen Fricker
Date: 02/07/2021
Time: 4:24 PM
Weight: 8 lb, 2 oz
Length: 21