9 Things To Do In Your Second Trimester

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9 Things To Do In Your Second Trimester
Compared to the first trimester the second trimester can be like a fun little vacation where you can actually enjoy being pregnant. Most often weeks 13-27 are amazing. The worst of the pregnancy symptoms like nausea, and exhaustion typically disappear! Your baby bump is usually starting to appear, making you look more pregnant and less like you had one too many donuts. Plus your chance of having a miscarriage goes WAY down, which will help your anxiety about telling people about your exciting news. Take advantage of your second trimester because sadly your first trimester symptoms as well as others will make their appearance again in your third trimester. So while you are feeling good, I’ve come up with a list of things to prioritize in your second trimester so you can take it easy in your third and maybe even get to relax a little bit.
1. Lather Up With Lotion
Your bump with typically makes its debut sometime around 12-16 weeks. This means start bathing in lotion. You want to get a good head start on preventing stretch marks. Not only on your belly but also your thighs, hips, and breasts. If you start early enough, before you are showing, it will give you the best chance against them.
2. What To Wear
Even if you can fit into your old jeans, I promise that you will be 10x more comfortable in maternity clothes or even just a few sizes bigger than you normally wear clothes. Most women put it off for as long as they can but ultimately you have to buy a few bigger items so you might as well be a little more comfortable earlier on.
3. Start Sleeping On Your Side
Sleeping on your back during the second and third trimesters is a big no-no. The weight of your uterus will block blood flow to your baby and could cause you to pass out or have extreme nausea. The second trimester brings along a whole new array of symptoms, one being back pain. Sleeping on your side will also help with your back aches and pains.
4. Start A Registry
Starting a registry is so much fun and so helpful to people trying to find the perfect gift for you and the baby. Start adding now, the baby shower will come sooner than you think! You also typically find out the sex of your baby during the second trimester, which means you can make a registry specific to your baby’s gender.
5. Start Your Nursery
Hopefully you are one of the lucky mama’s and you beat the sickness by the time you are in your second trimester. With feeling a little bit better and having more energy you can get the bulk of the nursery done. As you get bigger, it will be harder to want to do anything especially trying to put together a crib!
6. Financial Planning
Babies bring new expenses, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead. Planning out your maternity leave, or just budgeting in diapers, it’s best to start saving early. Get your insurance in order as well as the baby’s. This will all help bring peace of mind to you and your partner. Worrying about money is never fun and you don’t need the added stress of that.
7. Build Some Muscle
Although it is important to exercise throughout your whole pregnancy, it sometimes feels like an impossible task during your first and second trimester. Hoping that you have a little more energy and aren’t gagging at everything, this is the best time to start prioritizing building muscle. Building up your strength and endurance will help have a quicker, easier labor experience.
8. Birthing Classes
These classes will help ease you and your partner’s anxiety about the whole birthing process. It helps you understand all of the milestones you will go through and also the steps. I highly recommend this for first time parents. You will feel much more confident and calm when your time comes to push this child out.
9. Take A Babymoon
Take advantage of the second trimester! Get away with your partner to relax and just spend time together. It doesn’t have to be a lavish trip to the Bahamas. A quick weekend getaway trip will do just the trick! It will help keep your relationship spark alive through this stressful time of starting a family.
Doing these 9 simple things during your second trimester will not only help you in the months to come but also in the present. I know how stressful this time can be, but don’t forget how amazing and beautiful it is too. Enjoy your little pregnancy vacation while it lasts Mama! Xoxo
Tags: pregnancy, pregnant, second trimester, what to do when pregnant